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Wide Compatibility

The mp-units allows us to implement nice and terse code targeting a specific C++ version and configuration. Such code is easy to write and understand but might not be portable to some older environments.

However, sometimes, we want to develop code that can be compiled on a wide range of various compilers and configurations. This is why the library also exposes and uses special preprocessor macros that can be used to ensure the wide compatibility of our code.


Those macros are used in our short example applications as those are meant to be built on all of the supported compilers. Some still do not support std::format, C++ modules, or C++ versions newer than C++20.

Various compatibility options

Depending on your compiler's conformance, you can choose to use any of the below styles to write your code using mp-units:

#include <format>
#include <iostream>
import mp_units;

// ...

inline constexpr struct horizontal_length final : quantity_spec<isq::length> {} horizontal_length;

// ...

std::cout << std::format(...) << "\n";
#include <format>
#include <iostream>
import mp_units;

// ...

inline constexpr struct horizontal_length final : quantity_spec<horizontal_length, isq::length> {} horizontal_length;

// ...

std::cout << std::format(...) << "\n";
#include <mp-units/format.h>
#include <mp-units/ostream.h>
#include <mp-units/systems/international.h>
#include <mp-units/systems/isq.h>
#include <mp-units/systems/si.h>
#include <format>
#include <iostream>

// ...

inline constexpr struct horizontal_length final : quantity_spec<horizontal_length, isq::length> {} horizontal_length;

// ...

std::cout << std::format(...) << "\n";
#include <mp-units/format.h>
#include <mp-units/ostream.h>
#include <mp-units/systems/international.h>
#include <mp-units/systems/isq.h>
#include <mp-units/systems/si.h>
#include <fmt/format.h>
#include <iostream>

// ...

inline constexpr struct horizontal_length final : quantity_spec<horizontal_length, isq::length> {} horizontal_length;

// ...

std::cout << fmt::format(...) << "\n";
#include <iostream>
#include <mp-units/ext/format.h>
#include <mp-units/compat_macros.h>
import mp_units;
#include <mp-units/format.h>
#include <mp-units/ostream.h>
#include <mp-units/systems/international.h>
#include <mp-units/systems/isq.h>
#include <mp-units/systems/si.h>

// ...

QUANTITY_SPEC(horizontal_length, isq::length);

// ...

std::cout << MP_UNITS_STD_FMT::format(...) << "\n";


Depending on your preferences, you can either write:

  • terse code directly targeting your specific compiler's abilities,
  • verbose code using preprocessor branches and macros that provide the widest compatibility across various compilers.

Compatibility macros

This chapter describes only the most essential tools the mp-units users need. All the compatibility macros can be found in the mp-units/compat_macros.h header file.


The mp-units/compat_macros.h header file is implicitly included when we use "legacy" headers in our translation units. However, it has to be explicitly included when we use C++20 modules, as those do not propagate preprocessor macros.

QUANTITY_SPEC(name, ...)

Quantity specification definitions benefit from an explicit object parameter added in C++23 to remove the need for CRTP idiom, which significantly simplifies the code.

This macro benefits from the new C++23 feature if available. Otherwise, it uses the CRTP idiom under the hood.


Some of the supported compilers do not support std::format and related tools. Also, despite using a conformant compiler, some projects still choose to use fmtlib as their primary formatting facility (e.g., to benefit from additional features provided with the library).

This macro resolves to either the std or fmt namespace, depending on the value of MP_UNITS_API_STD_FORMAT CMake option.

To include the header files of the underlying text formatting framework, the following include should be used:

#include <mp-units/ext/format.h>


The mp-units library internally does contract checking by default. It can be disabled with a Conan or CMake option. However, when enabled, it can use either gsl-lite or ms-gsl. To write a code that is independent from the underlying framework, the following preprocessor macros are exposed:


Their meaning is consistent with respective gsl-lite.

Also, to include the header files of the underlying framework, the following include should be used:

#include <mp-units/ext/contracts.h>