International System of Quantities (ISQ): Part 3 - Modeling ISQ¶
The physical units libraries on the market typically only focus on modeling one or more systems of units. However, as we have learned, this is not the only system kind to model. Another, and maybe even more important, is a system of quantities. The most important example here is the International System of Quantities (ISQ) defined by ISO/IEC 80000.
This article continues our series about the International System of Quantities. This time, we will learn about the main ideas behind the ISQ and describe how it can be modelled in a programming language.
Articles from this series¶
- Part 1 - Introduction
- Part 2 - Problems when ISQ is not used
- Part 3 - Modeling ISQ
- Part 4 - Implementing ISQ
- Part 5 - Benefits
Dimension is not enough to describe a quantity¶
Most of the products on the market are aware of physical dimensions. However, a dimension is not enough to describe a quantity. Let's repeat briefly some of the problems described in more detail in the previous article. For example, let's see the following implementation:
class Box {
area base_;
length height_;
Box(length l, length w, length h) : base_(l * w), height_(h) {}
// ...
Box my_box(2 * m, 3 * m, 1 * m);
How do you like such an interface? It turns out that in most existing strongly-typed libraries
this is often the best we can do.
Another typical question many users ask is how to deal with work and torque. Both of those have the same dimension but are distinct quantities.
A similar issue is related to figuring out what should be the result of:
(hertz) - unit of frequency,Bq
(becquerel) - unit of activity,Bd
(baud) - unit of modulation rate.
All of those quantities have the same dimension, namely \(\mathsf{T}^{-1}\), but probably it is not wise to allow adding, subtracting, or comparing them, as they describe vastly different physical properties.
If the above example seems too abstract, let's consider Gy (gray - unit of absorbed dose) and Sv (sievert - unit of dose equivalent), or radian and steradian. All of those quantities have the same dimensions.
Another example here is fuel consumption (fuel volume divided by distance, e.g.,
6.7 l/100km
) and an area. Again, both have the same dimension \(\mathsf{L}^{2}\), but probably
it wouldn't be wise to allow adding, subtracting, or comparing a fuel consumption of a car
and the area of a football field. Such an operation does not have any physical sense and should
fail to compile.
It turns out that the above issues can't be solved correctly without proper modeling of a system of quantities.
Quantities of the same kind¶
As it was described in the previous article, dimension is not enough to describe a quantity. We need a better abstraction to ensure the safety of our calculations. It turns out that ISO/IEC 80000 comes with the answer:
ISO 80000-1:2009
- Quantities may be grouped together into categories of quantities that are mutually comparable.
- Mutually comparable quantities are called quantities of the same kind.
- Two or more quantities cannot be added or subtracted unless they belong to the same category of mutually comparable quantities.
- Quantities of the same kind within a given system of quantities have the same quantity dimension.
- Quantities of the same dimension are not necessarily of the same kind.
ISO Guide also explicitly states:
ISO Guide
Measurement units of quantities of the same quantity dimension may be designated by the same name and symbol even when the quantities are not of the same kind. For example, joule per kelvin and J/K are respectively the name and symbol of both a measurement unit of heat capacity and a measurement unit of entropy, which are generally not considered to be quantities of the same kind. However, in some cases special measurement unit names are restricted to be used with quantities of specific kind only. For example, the measurement unit ‘second to the power minus one’ (1/s) is called hertz (Hz) when used for frequencies and becquerel (Bq) when used for activities of radionuclides. As another example, the joule (J) is used as a unit of energy, but never as a unit of moment of force, i.e. the newton metre (N · m).
The above quotes from ISO provide answers to all the issues mentioned above and in the previous article.
More than one quantity may be defined for the same dimension:
- quantities of different kinds (e.g., frequency, modulation rate, activity).
- quantities of the same kind (e.g., length, width, altitude, distance, radius, wavelength, position vector).
Two quantities can't be added, subtracted, or compared unless they belong to the same kind. As frequency, activity, and modulation rate are of different kinds, the expression provided above should not compile.
System of quantities is not only about kinds¶
ISO/IEC 80000 specifies hundreds of different quantities. Plenty of various kinds are provided, and often, each kind contains more than one quantity. It turns out that such quantities form a hierarchy of quantities of the same kind.
For example, here are all quantities of the kind length provided in the ISO 80000-3:
flowchart TD
length --- width["<b>width</b> / <b>breadth</b>"]
length --- height["<b>height</b> / <b>depth</b> / <b>altitude</b>"]
width --- thickness["<b>thickness</b>"]
width --- diameter["<b>diameter</b>"]
width --- radius["<b>radius</b>"]
length --- path_length["<b>path_length</b>"]
path_length --- distance["<b>distance</b>"]
distance --- radial_distance["<b>radial_distance</b>"]
length --- wavelength["<b>wavelength</b>"]
length --- position_vector["<b>position_vector</b><br>{vector}"]
length --- displacement["<b>displacement</b><br>{vector}"]
radius --- radius_of_curvature["<b>radius_of_curvature</b>"]
Each of the above quantities expresses some kind of length, and each can be measured with meters, which is the unit defined by the SI for quantities of length. However, each has different properties, usage, and sometimes even a different character (position vector and displacement are vector quantities).
Forming such a hierarchy helps us define arithmetics and conversion rules for various quantities of the same kind.
Converting between quantities of the same kind¶
Based on the hierarchy above, we can define the following quantity conversion rules:
Implicit conversions
- Every width is a length.
- Every radius is a width.
static_assert(implicitly_convertible(isq::width, isq::length)); static_assert(implicitly_convertible(isq::radius, isq::length)); static_assert(implicitly_convertible(isq::radius, isq::width));
Implicit conversions are allowed on copy-initialization:
Explicit conversions
- Not every length is a width.
- Not every width is a radius.
static_assert(!implicitly_convertible(isq::length, isq::width)); static_assert(!implicitly_convertible(isq::length, isq::radius)); static_assert(!implicitly_convertible(isq::width, isq::radius)); static_assert(explicitly_convertible(isq::length, isq::width)); static_assert(explicitly_convertible(isq::length, isq::radius)); static_assert(explicitly_convertible(isq::width, isq::radius));
Explicit conversions are forced by passing the quantity to a call operator of a
type: -
Explicit casts
- height is never a width, and vice versa.
- Both height and width are quantities of kind length.
static_assert(!implicitly_convertible(isq::height, isq::width)); static_assert(!explicitly_convertible(isq::height, isq::width)); static_assert(castable(isq::height, isq::width));
Explicit casts are forced with a dedicated
function: -
No conversion
- time has nothing in common with length.
static_assert(!implicitly_convertible(isq::time, isq::length)); static_assert(!explicitly_convertible(isq::time, isq::length)); static_assert(!castable(isq::time, isq::length));
Even the explicit casts will not force such a conversion:
Comparing, adding, and subtracting quantities of the same kind¶
ISO/IEC 80000 explicitly states that width and height are quantities of the same kind, and as such they:
- are mutually comparable,
- can be added and subtracted.
This means that we should be allowed to compare any quantities from the same tree (as long as their underlying representation types are comparable):
Also, based on our hierarchy above, the only reasonable result of 1 * width + 1 * height
2 * length
, where the result of length
is known as a common quantity type. A result
of such an equation is always the first common node in a hierarchy tree of the same kind.
For example:
static_assert((isq::width(1 * m) + isq::height(1 * m)).quantity_spec == isq::length);
static_assert((isq::thickness(1 * m) + isq::radius(1 * m)).quantity_spec == isq::width);
static_assert((isq::distance(1 * m) + isq::path_length(1 * m)).quantity_spec == isq::path_length);
Modeling a quantity kind¶
In the quantities and units library, we also need an abstraction describing an entire family of quantities of the same kind. Such quantities have not only the same dimension but also can be expressed in the same units.
To annotate a quantity to represent its kind (and not just a hierarchy tree's root quantity)
we introduced a kind_of<>
specifier. For example, to express any quantity of length, we need
to type kind_of<isq::length>
and kind_of<isq::length>
are two different things.
Such an entity behaves as any quantity of its kind. This means that it is implicitly convertible to any quantity in a tree.
static_assert(!implicitly_convertible(isq::length, isq::height));
static_assert(implicitly_convertible(kind_of<isq::length>, isq::height));
Additionally, the result of operations on quantity kinds is also a quantity kind:
static_assert(same_type<kind_of<isq::length> / kind_of<isq::time>, kind_of<isq::length / isq::time>>);
However, if at least one equation's operand is not a quantity kind, the result becomes a "strong" quantity where all the kinds are converted to the hierarchy tree's root quantities:
static_assert(!same_type<kind_of<isq::length> / isq::time, kind_of<isq::length / isq::time>>);
static_assert(same_type<kind_of<isq::length> / isq::time, isq::length / isq::time>);
Only a root quantity from the hierarchy tree or the one marked with is_kind
in the quantity_spec
definition can be put as a template parameter to the kind_of
specifier. For example, kind_of<isq::width>
will fail to compile. However, we can call
to obtain a kind of any quantity:
How do systems of units benefit from the ISQ and quantity kinds?¶
Modeling a system of units is the most essential feature and a selling point of every physical units library. Thanks to that, the library can protect users from assigning, adding, subtracting, or comparing incompatible units and provide automated conversion factors between various compatible units.
Probably all the libraries in the wild model the SI (or at least most of it), and many of them provide support for additional units belonging to various other systems (e.g., imperial).
Systems of units are based on systems of quantities¶
Systems of quantities specify a set of quantities and equations relating to those quantities. Those equations do not take any unit or a numerical representation into account at all. In order to create a quantity, we need to add those missing pieces of information. This is where a system of units kicks in.
The SI is explicitly stated to be based on the ISQ. Among others, it defines seven base units, one for each base quantity of ISQ. In the library, this is expressed by associating a quantity kind to a unit being defined:
The kind_of<isq::length>
above states explicitly that this unit has an associated quantity
kind. In other words, si::metre
(and scaled units based on it) can be used to express
the amount of any quantity of kind length.
For some systems of units (e.g., natural units), a unit may not have an associated quantity
type. For example, if we define the speed of light constant as c = 1
, we can define a system
where both length and time will be measured in seconds, and speed will be a quantity
measured with the unit one
. In such case, the definition will look as follows:
Constraining a derived unit to work only with a specific derived quantity¶
Some derived units are valid only for specific derived quantities. For example, SI specifies both hertz and becquerel derived units with the same unit equation \(s^{-1}\). However, it also explicitly states:
The hertz shall only be used for periodic phenomena and the becquerel shall only be used for stochastic processes in activity referred to a radionuclide.
This is why it is important for the library to allow constraining such units to be used only with a specific quantity kind:
inline constexpr struct hertz final : named_unit<"Hz", one / second, kind_of<isq::frequency>> {} hertz;
inline constexpr struct becquerel final : named_unit<"Bq", one / second, kind_of<isq::activity>> {} becquerel;
With the above, hertz
can only be used for frequencies, while becquerel
should only be used
for quantities of activity:
quantity<isq::frequency[Hz]> q1 = 60 * Bq; // Compile-time error
quantity<isq::activity[Hz]> q2; // Compile-time error
quantity<isq::frequency[Hz]> q3 = 60 * Hz; // OK
std::cout << << "\n"; // Compile-time error
We know already that quantities of different kinds can't be compared, added, and subtracted. The following equation will not compile thanks to constraining derived units to be valid for specific kinds only:
All of the above features improve the safety of our library and the products that are using it.
To be continued...¶
In the next part of this series, we will present how we can implement our ISQ model in a C++ programming language and we will point out some of the first issues that stand in our way.