International System of Quantities (ISQ): Part 5 - Benefits¶
In the previous articles, we introduced the International System of Quantities, described how we can model and implement it in a programming language, and presented the issues of software that does not use such abstraction to implement a units library.
Some of the issues raised in Part 2 of our series were addressed in Part 3 already. This article will present how our ISQ model elegantly addresses the remaining problems.
Articles from this series¶
- Part 1 - Introduction
- Part 2 - Problems when ISQ is not used
- Part 3 - Modeling ISQ
- Part 4 - Implementing ISQ
- Part 5 - Benefits
Generic but safe interfaces¶
Let's start with the implementation of a
generic utility function that would calculate the average speed based on provided arguments.
The resulting quantity should use a derived unit of the provided arguments (e.g., km/h
and h
, m/s
for m
and s
, ...).
With C++ concepts backed up with ISQ quantities, we can simply type it as:
constexpr QuantityOf<isq::speed> auto avg_speed(QuantityOf<isq::length> auto d,
QuantityOf<isq::time> auto t)
return d / t;
The above constrains the algorithm to proper quantity types and ensures that a quantity of speed is returned. The latter is essential not only for the users to better understand what the function does but also serves as a unit test for our implementation. It ensures that our quantity equations are correct in the implementation part of the function, and we indeed return a quantity of speed.
Non-convertible units of currency¶
Our second example was about disjoint units of currency. We want to use various units of currency but we can't provide compile-time known conversion factors between those as such ratios are only known at runtime.
First, we define:
- a new dimension for currency and a quantity type based on it,
- set of disjoint units of currency for its quantity kind.
inline constexpr struct dim_currency final : base_dimension<"$"> {} dim_currency;
inline constexpr struct currency final : quantity_spec<dim_currency> {} currency;
inline constexpr struct euro final : named_unit<"EUR", kind_of<currency>> {} euro;
inline constexpr struct us_dollar final : named_unit<"USD", kind_of<currency>> {} us_dollar;
namespace unit_symbols {
inline constexpr auto EUR = euro;
inline constexpr auto USD = us_dollar;
static_assert(!std::equality_comparable_with<quantity<euro, int>, quantity<us_dollar, int>>);
Next, we can provide a custom currency exchange facility that accounts for a specific point in time:
template<Unit auto From, Unit auto To>
[[nodiscard]] double exchange_rate(std::chrono::sys_seconds timestamp)
// user-provided logic...
template<UnitOf<currency> auto To, QuantityOf<currency> From>
QuantityOf<currency> auto exchange_to(From q, std::chrono::sys_seconds timestamp)
const auto rate =
static_cast<From::rep>(exchange_rate<From::unit, To>(timestamp) * q.numerical_value_in(q.unit));
return rate * From::quantity_spec[To];
Finally, we can use our simple model in the following way:
using namespace unit_symbols;
using namespace std::chrono;
const auto yesterday = time_point_cast<seconds>(system_clock::now() - hours{24});
const quantity price_usd = 100 * USD;
const quantity price_euro = exchange_to<euro>(price_usd, yesterday);
std::cout << price_usd << " -> " << price_euro << "\n";
// std::cout << price_usd + price_euro << "\n"; // does not compile
It would be better to model the above prices as quantity points, but this is a subject
for a different article .
Derived quantities of the same dimension but different kinds¶
Until now, the issues discussed have not actually required modeling of the ISQ. The introduction of physical dimensions would be enough, and indeed, this is what most of the libraries on the market do. However, we have more exciting challenges to solve as well.
The next issue was related to different quantities having the same dimension. In many cases, we want to prevent conversions and any other compatibility between such distinct quantities.
Let's try to implement our fuel consumption example. First, we define the quantity type and a handy identifier for a derived unit that we want to use:
inline constexpr struct fuel_consumption final : quantity_spec<isq::volume / isq::length> {} fuel_consumption;
inline constexpr auto L_per_100km = si::litre / (mag<100> * si::kilo<si::metre>);
static_assert(fuel_consumption != isq::area);
static_assert(fuel_consumption.dimension == isq::area.dimension);
Next, we define two quantities. The first one is based only on a derived unit of L/[100 km]
while the second uses a strongly typed quantity type:
quantity q1 = 5.8 * L_per_100km;
quantity q2 = fuel_consumption(6.7 * L_per_100km);
std::println("Fuel consumptions: {}, {}", q1, q2);
static_assert(implicitly_convertible(q1.quantity_spec, isq::area));
static_assert(!implicitly_convertible(q2.quantity_spec, isq::area));
static_assert(!explicitly_convertible(q2.quantity_spec, isq::area));
static_assert(!castable(q2.quantity_spec, isq::area));
As we can see, with just units (especially derived ones) and dimensions, we often can't achieve
the same level of safety as with adequately modeled hierarchies of quantities. Only in case of q2
we can prevent incorrect conversions to a different quantity of the same dimension.
Various quantities of the same dimension and kinds¶
In the previous example, area and fuel consumption were quantities of the same dimension but of different kinds. In engineering, there are also many cases where we need to model distinct quantities of the same kind.
Let's try to improve the safety of
our Box
First, we need to extend our ISQ definitions by the horizontal length quantity and a horizontal area derived from it:
inline constexpr struct horizontal_length final : quantity_spec<isq::length> {} horizontal_length;
inline constexpr struct horizontal_area final : quantity_spec<isq::area, horizontal_length * isq::width> {} horizontal_area;
denotes any quantity of length (not only the horizontal one).
static_assert(implicitly_convertible(horizontal_length, isq::length));
static_assert(!implicitly_convertible(isq::length, horizontal_length));
static_assert(implicitly_convertible(horizontal_area, isq::area));
static_assert(!implicitly_convertible(isq::area, horizontal_area));
static_assert(implicitly_convertible(isq::length * isq::length, isq::area));
static_assert(!implicitly_convertible(isq::length * isq::length, horizontal_area));
static_assert(implicitly_convertible(horizontal_length * isq::width, isq::area));
static_assert(implicitly_convertible(horizontal_length * isq::width, horizontal_area));
With simple two lines of definition, we made the above logic automatically work without needing additional customization for special cases. Based on hierarchies of derived quantities and their recipes, the proposed model automatically inherits the properties of base quantities involved in the recipe. This makes the composition of derived quantities very easy, which is not true for alternative solutions based on tag types that do not compose their properties.
Now we can refactor our Box
to benefit from the introduced safe abstractions:
class Box {
quantity<horizontal_length[m]> length_;
quantity<isq::width[m]> width_;
quantity<isq::height[m]> height_;
Box(quantity<horizontal_length[m]> l, quantity<isq::width[m]> w, quantity<isq::height[m]> h):
length_(l), width_(w), height_(h)
quantity<horizontal_area[m2]> floor() const { return length_ * width_; }
// ...
It is important to note that the safety can be enforced only when a user provides typed quantities as arguments to the functions:
Box my_box1(2 * m, 3 * m, 1 * m);
Box my_box2(2 * horizontal_length[m], 3 * isq::width[m], 1 * isq::height[m]);
Box my_box3(horizontal_length(2 * m), isq::width(3 * m), isq::height(1 * m));
It is up to the user to decide when and where to care about explicit quantity types and when to prefer simple unit-only mode.
Various kinds of dimensionless quantities¶
Most of the quantities hierarchies describe only one kind. There are some exceptions, though. One of them is a hierarchy of dimensionless quantities. This tree defines quantities that denote:
- counts (e.g., storage capacity),
- ratios (e.g., efficiency),
- angles (e.g., angular measure, solid angular measure),
- scaled numbers.
Each of the above could form a separate tree of mutually comparable quantities. However, all of
them have a common property. Every quantity from this tree, despite often being measured in a
dedicated unit (e.g., bit
, rad
, sr
), should also be able to be measured in a unit one
We've seen how to model such a hierarchy in a previous article in our series. This time, we will see a simplified part of a concrete, real-life example for this use case.
We often need to provide strong types for different counts in the digital signal processing domain. Abstractions like samples, beats, MIDI clock, and others should not be possible to be intermixed with each other:
namespace ni {
inline constexpr struct SampleCount final : quantity_spec<dimensionless, is_kind> {} SampleCount;
inline constexpr struct UnitSampleAmount final : quantity_spec<dimensionless, is_kind> {} UnitSampleAmount;
inline constexpr struct MIDIClock final : quantity_spec<dimensionless, is_kind> {} MIDIClock;
inline constexpr struct BeatCount final : quantity_spec<dimensionless, is_kind> {} BeatCount;
We should also be able to create derived quantities from those. For example, when we divide such
a quantity by time we should get a new strong quantity that can be measured in both a dedicated
unit (e.g., Smpl/s
for sample rate) and hertz:
inline constexpr struct SampleDuration final : quantity_spec<isq::period_duration> {} SampleDuration;
inline constexpr struct SamplingRate final : quantity_spec<isq::frequency, SampleCount / SampleDuration> {} SamplingRate;
inline constexpr auto Amplitude = UnitSampleAmount;
inline constexpr auto Level = UnitSampleAmount;
inline constexpr struct Power final : quantity_spec<Level * Level> {} Power;
inline constexpr struct BeatDuration final : quantity_spec<isq::period_duration> {} BeatDuration;
inline constexpr struct Tempo final : quantity_spec<isq::frequency, BeatCount / BeatDuration> {} Tempo;
We can also define a collection of units associated with specific quantity kinds and their symbols:
inline constexpr struct Sample final : named_unit<"Smpl", one, kind_of<SampleCount>> {} Sample;
inline constexpr struct SampleValue final : named_unit<"PCM", one, kind_of<UnitSampleAmount>> {} SampleValue;
inline constexpr struct MIDIPulse final : named_unit<"p", one, kind_of<MIDIClock>> {} MIDIPulse;
inline constexpr struct QuarterNote final : named_unit<"q", one, kind_of<BeatCount>> {} QuarterNote;
inline constexpr struct HalfNote final : named_unit<"h", mag<2> * QuarterNote> {} HalfNote;
inline constexpr struct DottedHalfNote final : named_unit<"h.", mag<3> * QuarterNote> {} DottedHalfNote;
inline constexpr struct WholeNote final : named_unit<"w", mag<4> * QuarterNote> {} WholeNote;
inline constexpr struct EightNote final : named_unit<"8th", mag_ratio<1, 2> * QuarterNote> {} EightNote;
inline constexpr struct DottedQuarterNote final : named_unit<"q.", mag<3> * EightNote> {} DottedQuarterNote;
inline constexpr struct QuarterNoteTriplet final : named_unit<"qt", mag_ratio<1, 3> * HalfNote> {} QuarterNoteTriplet;
inline constexpr struct SixteenthNote final : named_unit<"16th", mag_ratio<1, 2> * EightNote> {} SixteenthNote;
inline constexpr struct DottedEightNote final : named_unit<"q.", mag<3> * SixteenthNote> {} DottedEightNote;
inline constexpr auto Beat = QuarterNote;
inline constexpr struct BeatsPerMinute final : named_unit<"bpm", Beat / si::minute> {} BeatsPerMinute;
inline constexpr struct MIDIPulsePerQuarter final : named_unit<"ppqn", MIDIPulse / QuarterNote> {} MIDIPulsePerQuarter;
namespace unit_symbols {
inline constexpr auto Smpl = Sample;
inline constexpr auto pcm = SampleValue;
inline constexpr auto p = MIDIPulse;
inline constexpr auto n_wd = 3 * HalfNote;
inline constexpr auto n_w = WholeNote;
inline constexpr auto n_hd = DottedHalfNote;
inline constexpr auto n_h = HalfNote;
inline constexpr auto n_qd = DottedQuarterNote;
inline constexpr auto n_q = QuarterNote;
inline constexpr auto n_qt = QuarterNoteTriplet;
inline constexpr auto n_8thd = DottedEightNote;
inline constexpr auto n_8th = EightNote;
inline constexpr auto n_16th = SixteenthNote;
} // namespace ni
With the above, we can safely work with each quantity and use SI or domain-specific units as needed:
using namespace ni::unit_symbols;
using namespace mp_units::si::unit_symbols;
const auto sr1 = ni::GetSampleRate();
const auto sr2 = 48'000.f * Smpl / s;
const auto samples = 512 * Smpl;
const auto sampleTime1 = (samples / sr1).in(s);
const auto sampleTime2 = (samples / sr2).in(ms);
const auto sampleDuration1 = (1 / sr1).in(ms);
const auto sampleDuration2 = (1 / sr2).in(ms);
const auto rampTime = 35.f * ms;
const auto rampSamples1 = (rampTime * sr1).force_in<int>(Smpl);
const auto rampSamples2 = (rampTime * sr2).force_in<int>(Smpl);
std::println("Sample rate 1 is: {}", sr1);
std::println("Sample rate 2 is: {}", sr2);
std::println("{} @ {} is {::N[.5f]}", samples, sr1, sampleTime1);
std::println("{} @ {} is {::N[.5f]}", samples, sr2, sampleTime2);
std::println("One sample @ {} is {::N[.5f]}", sr1, sampleDuration1);
std::println("One sample @ {} is {::N[.5f]}", sr2, sampleDuration2);
std::println("{} is {} @ {}", rampTime, rampSamples1, sr1);
std::println("{} is {} @ {}", rampTime, rampSamples2, sr2);
The above prints:
Sample rate 1 is: 44100 Hz
Sample rate 2 is: 48000 Smpl/s
512 Smpl @ 44100 Hz is 0.01161 s
512 Smpl @ 48000 Smpl/s is 10.66667 ms
One sample @ 44100 Hz is 0.02268 ms
One sample @ 48000 Smpl/s is 0.02083 ms
35 ms is 1543 Smpl @ 44100 Hz
35 ms is 1680 Smpl @ 48000 Smpl/s
We can also do a bit more advanced computations to get the following:
auto sampleValue = -0.4f * pcm;
auto power1 = sampleValue * sampleValue;
auto power2 = -0.2 * pow<2>(pcm);
auto tempo = ni::GetTempo();
auto reverbBeats = 1 * n_qd;
auto reverbTime = reverbBeats / tempo;
auto pulsePerQuarter = value_cast<float>(ni::GetPPQN());
auto transportPosition = ni::GetTransportPos();
auto transportBeats = (transportPosition / pulsePerQuarter).in(n_q);
auto transportTime = (transportBeats / tempo).in(s);
std::println("SampleValue is: {}", sampleValue);
std::println("Power 1 is: {}", power1);
std::println("Power 2 is: {}", power2);
std::println("Tempo is: {}", tempo);
std::println("Reverb Beats is: {}", reverbBeats);
std::println("Reverb Time is: {}",;
std::println("Pulse Per Quarter is: {}", pulsePerQuarter);
std::println("Transport Position is: {}", transportPosition);
std::println("Transport Beats is: {}", transportBeats);
std::println("Transport Time is: {}", transportTime);
which prints:
SampleValue is: -0.4 PCM
Power 1 is: 0.16000001 PCM²
Power 2 is: -0.2 PCM²
Tempo is: 110 bpm
Reverb Beats is: 1 q.
Reverb Time is: 0.8181818 s
Pulse Per Quarter is: 960 ppqn
Transport Position is: 15836 p
Transport Beats is: 16.495832 q
Transport Time is: 8.997726 s
More about this example can be found in "Exploration of Strongly-typed Units in C++: A Case Study from Digital Audio" CppCon 2023 talk by Roth Michaels.
To be continued...¶
In the next part of this series, we will discuss the challenges and issues related to the modeling of the ISQ with a programming language.