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International System of Quantities (ISQ): Part 4 - Implementing ISQ

Up until now, we have introduced the International System of Quantities and described how we can model its main aspects. This article will present how to implement those models in a programming language, and we will point out some of the first issues that stand in our way.

In the previous article, we have already introduced a notion of quantity kind, provided kind_of<> specifier, and described how it helps in the modeling of the system of units (e.g., SI).

Now, it is time to see how we can implement hierarchies of quantities of the same kind.

Articles from this series

Modeling a hierarchy of kind length

First, let's start with something easy - hierarchy of kind length. ISO 80000-3 does a good job of describing all relations between quantities in this case.

We've seen this tree already:

flowchart TD
    length --- width["<b>width</b> / <b>breadth</b>"]
    length --- height["<b>height</b> / <b>depth</b> / <b>altitude</b>"]
    width --- thickness["<b>thickness</b>"]
    width --- diameter["<b>diameter</b>"]
    width --- radius["<b>radius</b>"]
    length --- path_length["<b>path_length</b>"]
    path_length --- distance["<b>distance</b>"]
    distance --- radial_distance["<b>radial_distance</b>"]
    length --- wavelength["<b>wavelength</b>"]
    length --- displacement["<b>displacement</b><br>{vector}"]
    displacement --- position_vector["<b>position_vector</b>"]
    radius --- radius_of_curvature["<b>radius_of_curvature</b>"]

This is how we can model it in C++:

inline constexpr struct dim_length final          : base_dimension<"L"> {} dim_length;

inline constexpr struct length final              : quantity_spec<dim_length> {} length;
inline constexpr struct width final               : quantity_spec<length> {} width;
inline constexpr auto breadth = width;
inline constexpr struct height final              : quantity_spec<length> {} height;
inline constexpr auto depth = height;
inline constexpr auto altitude = height;
inline constexpr struct thickness final           : quantity_spec<width> {} thickness;
inline constexpr struct diameter final            : quantity_spec<width> {} diameter;
inline constexpr struct radius final              : quantity_spec<width> {} radius;
inline constexpr struct radius_of_curvature final : quantity_spec<radius> {} radius_of_curvature;
inline constexpr struct path_length final         : quantity_spec<length> {} path_length;
inline constexpr auto arc_length = path_length;
inline constexpr struct distance final            : quantity_spec<path_length> {} distance;
inline constexpr struct radial_distance final     : quantity_spec<distance> {} radial_distance;
inline constexpr struct wavelength final          : quantity_spec<length> {} wavelength;
inline constexpr struct displacement final        : quantity_spec<length, quantity_character::vector> {} displacement;
inline constexpr struct position_vector final     : quantity_spec<displacement> {} position_vector;

Thanks to the expressivity and power of C++ templates, we can specify all quantity properties in one line of code. In the above code:

  • length takes the base dimension to indicate that we are creating a base quantity that will serve as a root for a tree of quantities of the same kind,
  • width and following quantities are branches and leaves of this tree with the parent always provided as the first argument to quantity_spec class template,
  • breadth is an alias name for the same quantity as width.


Some quantities may be specified to have complex scalar, vector, or tensor character (e.g., displacement). The quantity character can be set with the last parameter of quantity_spec.

Modeling a hierarchy of kind energy

Base quantities are simple. It is more complicated when we start modeling derived quantities. Let's try to model the hierarchy for energy.

When we look into the ISO/IEC 80000 standards, this task immediately stops being as easy as the previous one. Derived quantity equations often do not automatically form a hierarchy tree, and ISO/IEC standards do not provide a clear answer to inter-quantity dependencies. This is why it is often not obvious what such a tree should look like.

Even more, ISO explicitly states:

ISO/IEC Guide 99

The division of ‘quantity’ according to ‘kind of quantity’ is, to some extent, arbitrary.

Let's try anyway. The below presents some arbitrary hierarchy of derived quantities of kind energy:

flowchart TD
    energy["<b>energy</b><br><i>(mass * length<sup>2</sup> / time<sup>2</sup>)</i><br>[J]"]
    energy --- mechanical_energy["<b>mechanical_energy</b>"]
    mechanical_energy --- potential_energy["<b>potential_energy</b>"]
    potential_energy --- gravitational_potential_energy["<b>gravitational_potential_energy</b><br><i>(mass * acceleration_of_free_fall * height)</i>"]
    potential_energy --- elastic_potential_energy["<b>elastic_potential_energy</b><br><i>(spring_constant * amount_of_compression<sup>2</sup>)</i>"]
    mechanical_energy --- kinetic_energy["<b>kinetic_energy</b><br><i>(mass * speed<sup>2</sup>)</i>"]
    energy --- enthalpy["<b>enthalpy</b>"]
    enthalpy --- internal_energy["<b>internal_energy</b> / <b>thermodynamic_energy</b>"]
    internal_energy --- Helmholtz_energy["<b>Helmholtz_energy</b> / <b>Helmholtz_function</b>"]
    enthalpy --- Gibbs_energy["<b>Gibbs_energy</b> / <b>Gibbs_function</b>"]
    energy --- active_energy["<b>active_energy</b>"]

As we can see above, besides what we've already seen for length hierarchy, derived quantities may provide specific recipes that can be used to create them implicitly:

  • energy is the most generic one and thus can be created from base quantities of mass, length, and time. As those are also the roots of quantities of their kinds and all other quantities from their trees are implicitly convertible to them, it means that an energy can be implicitly constructed from any quantity of mass, length, and time:

    static_assert(implicitly_convertible(isq::mass * pow<2>(isq::length) / pow<2>(isq::time), isq::energy));
    static_assert(implicitly_convertible(isq::mass * pow<2>(isq::height) / pow<2>(isq::time), isq::energy));
  • mechanical energy is a more "specialized" quantity than energy (not every energy is a mechanical energy). It is why an explicit cast is needed to convert from either energy or the results of its quantity equation:

    static_assert(!implicitly_convertible(isq::energy, isq::mechanical_energy));
    static_assert(explicitly_convertible(isq::energy, isq::mechanical_energy));
    static_assert(!implicitly_convertible(isq::mass * pow<2>(isq::length) / pow<2>(isq::time),
    static_assert(explicitly_convertible(isq::mass * pow<2>(isq::length) / pow<2>(isq::time),
  • gravitational potential energy is not only even more specialized one but additionally, it is special in a way that it provides its own "constrained" quantity equation. Maybe not every mass * pow<2>(length) / pow<2>(time) is a gravitational potential energy, but every mass * acceleration_of_free_fall * height is.

    static_assert(!implicitly_convertible(isq::mass * pow<2>(isq::length) / pow<2>(isq::time),
    static_assert(explicitly_convertible(isq::mass * pow<2>(isq::length) / pow<2>(isq::time),
    static_assert(implicitly_convertible(isq::mass * isq::acceleration_of_free_fall * isq::height,

And here is the C++ code for it:

inline constexpr struct energy final                         : quantity_spec<mass* pow<2>(length) / pow<2>(time)> {} energy;
inline constexpr struct mechanical_energy final              : quantity_spec<energy> {} mechanical_energy;                                                            // differs from ISO 80000
inline constexpr struct potential_energy final               : quantity_spec<mechanical_energy> {} potential_energy;                                                  // differs from ISO 80000
inline constexpr struct gravitational_potential_energy final : quantity_spec<potential_energy, mass * acceleration_of_free_fall * height> {} potential_energy;        // not in ISO 80000
inline constexpr struct elastic_potential_energy final       : quantity_spec<potential_energy, spring_constant * pow<2>(amount_of_compression)> {} potential_energy;  // not in ISO 80000
inline constexpr struct kinetic_energy final                 : quantity_spec<mechanical_energy, mass* pow<2>(speed)> {} kinetic_energy;                               // differs from ISO 80000
inline constexpr struct enthalpy final                       : quantity_spec<energy> {} enthalpy;                                                                     // differs from ISO 80000
inline constexpr struct internal_energy final                : quantity_spec<enthalpy> {} internal_energy;                                                            // differs from ISO 80000
inline constexpr auto thermodynamic_energy = internal_energy;
inline constexpr struct Helmholtz_energy final               : quantity_spec<internal_energy> {} Helmholtz_energy;
inline constexpr auto Helmholtz_function = Helmholtz_energy;
inline constexpr struct Gibbs_energy final                   : quantity_spec<enthalpy> {} Gibbs_energy;
inline constexpr auto Gibbs_function = Gibbs_energy;

Again, the first parameter of quantity_spec determines the position in the tree. If a second argument is provided, it denotes a recipe for this quantity.

With the above simple definitions we've automatically addressed our energy-related issues from the Various quantities of the same dimension and kinds chapter of the "Part 2" article.

Modeling a hierarchy of kind dimensionless

As the last example for this article, let's try to model and implement quantities of dimension one, often also called dimensionless quantities. This quantity hierarchy contains more than one quantity kind and more than one unit in its tree:

flowchart TD
    dimensionless --- rotation["<b>rotation</b>"]
    dimensionless --- thermodynamic_efficiency["<b>thermodynamic_efficiency</b><br><i>(work / heat)</i>"]
    dimensionless --- angular_measure["<b>angular_measure</b><br><i>(arc_length / radius)</i><br>[rad]"]
    angular_measure --- rotational_displacement["<b>rotational_displacement</b><br><i>(path_length / radius)</i>"]
    angular_measure --- phase_angle["<b>phase_angle</b>"]
    dimensionless --- solid_angular_measure["<b>solid_angular_measure</b><br><i>(area / pow<2>(radius))</i><br>[sr]"]
    dimensionless --- drag_factor["<b>drag_factor</b><br><i>(drag_force / (mass_density * pow<2>(speed) * area))</i>"]
    dimensionless --- storage_capacity["<b>storage_capacity</b><br>[bit]"] --- equivalent_binary_storage_capacity["<b>equivalent_binary_storage_capacity</b>"]
    dimensionless --- ...

To enable such support in the library, we provided an is_kind specifier that can be appended to the quantity specification:

inline constexpr struct dimensionless final            : quantity_spec<detail::derived_quantity_spec<>{}> {} dimensionless;
inline constexpr struct rotation final                 : quantity_spec<dimensionless> {} rotation;
inline constexpr struct thermodynamic_efficiency final : quantity_spec<dimensionless, work / heat> {} efficiency;
inline constexpr struct angular_measure final          : quantity_spec<dimensionless, arc_length / radius, is_kind> {} angular_measure;
inline constexpr struct rotational_displacement final  : quantity_spec<angular_measure, path_length / radius> {} rotational_displacement;
inline constexpr struct phase_angle final              : quantity_spec<angular_measure> {} phase_angle;
inline constexpr struct solid_angular_measure final    : quantity_spec<dimensionless, area / pow<2>(radius), is_kind> {} solid_angular_measure;
inline constexpr struct drag_factor final              : quantity_spec<dimensionless, drag_force / (mass_density * pow<2>(speed) * area)> {} drag_factor;
inline constexpr struct storage_capacity final         : quantity_spec<dimensionless, is_kind> {} storage_capacity;

With the above, we can constrain radian, steradian, and bit to be allowed for usage with specific quantity kinds only:

inline constexpr struct radian final    : named_unit<"rad", metre / metre, kind_of<isq::angular_measure>> {} radian;
inline constexpr struct steradian final : named_unit<"sr", square(metre) / square(metre), kind_of<isq::solid_angular_measure>> {} steradian;
inline constexpr struct bit final       : named_unit<"bit", one, kind_of<storage_capacity>> {} bit;

but still allow the usage of one and its scaled versions for such quantities.


dimensionless is a special quantity which serves as an identity element in quantity equations. It is predefined in the library's framework and there is no way for the user to define it or something similar to it.

To be continued...

In the next part of this series, we will present how our ISQ model helps to address the remaining issues described in the Part 2 of our series.
