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Report from the Wrocław 2024 ISO C++ Committee meeting

The Wrocław 2024 meeting was another efficient step in the standardization of this library. We've spent the entire day on the joint LEWGI and SG6 discussion and got lots of feedback. We've also introduced std::fixed_string to LEWG for C++26.

P3045R4: Quantities and units library

We have presented the following chapters of our proposal to LEWGI and SG6. We reviewed all the usage examples, discussed composing symbols for derived dimensions and units, and looked into formatting specifications for quantities. We also discussed the minimal scope of the proposal.

We got plenty of feedback on:

  • the paper itself,
  • naming of specific entities in the library,
  • usage examples,
  • text output and formatting.

We were also asked to extend the library to provide text output support for quantity points.

You can expect all of those changes to appear in the next release.

P30942R5: std::basic_fixed_string

The paper was well received. However, Barry Revzin submitted P3380 paper in September. This started a discussion about the scope of this proposal. Should we:

  • limit it to just a non-mutating interface (as proposed) and maybe rename it to   std::string_literal,
  • add range slicing interface (as we support composition already),
  • add some basic mutation interface through non-const operator[],
  • refactor to fully blown std::inplace_string if P3380 successfully progresses through EWG.
