Dimensionless Quantities¶
The quantities we discussed so far always had some specific type and physical dimension. However, this is not always the case. While performing various computations, we sometimes end up with so-called "dimensionless" quantities, which ISO defines as quantities of dimension one:
ISO/IEC Guide 99
- Quantity for which all the exponents of the factors corresponding to the base quantities in its quantity dimension are zero.
- The measurement units and values of quantities of dimension one are numbers, but such quantities convey more information than a number.
- Some quantities of dimension one are defined as the ratios of two quantities of the same kind.
- Numbers of entities are quantities of dimension one.
Dividing two quantities of the same kind¶
Dividing two quantities of the same kind always results in a quantity of dimension one. However, depending on what type of quantities we divide or what their units are, we may end up with slightly different results.
In mp-units, dividing two quantities of the same dimension always results in a quantity
with the dimension being dimension_one
. This is often different for other physical units
libraries, which may return a raw representation type for such cases. A raw value is also always
returned from the division of two std::chrono::duration
To read more about the reasoning for this design decision, please check our FAQ.
Dividing quantities of the same type¶
First, let's analyze what happens if we divide two quantities of the same type:
In such a case, we end up with a dimensionless quantity that has the following properties:
static_assert(q.quantity_spec == dimensionless);
static_assert(q.dimension == dimension_one);
static_assert(q.unit == one);
In case we would like to print its value, we would see a raw value of 4
in the output with no unit
being printed.
Dividing quantities of different types¶
Now let's see what happens if we divide quantities of the same dimension and unit but which have different quantity types:
Again we end up with dimension_one
and one
, but this time:
As shown above, the result is not of a dimensionless
type anymore. Instead, we get a quantity type
derived from the performed quantity equation.
According to the ISQ, work divided by heat is the recipe for
the thermodynamic efficiency quantity, thus:
The quantity of isq::efficiency_thermodynamics
is of a kind dimensionless
, so it is implicitly
convertible to dimensionless
and satisfies the QuantityOf<dimensionless>
Dividing quantities of different units¶
Now, let's see what happens when we divide two quantities of the same type but different units:
This time, we still get a quantity of the dimensionless
type with a dimension_one
as its dimension.
However, the resulting unit is not one
In case we would print the text output of this quantity, we would not see a raw value of 2000
but 2 km/m
First, it may look surprising, but this is consistent with dividing quantities
of different dimensions. For example, if we divide 4 * km / 2 * s
, we do not expect km
to be
"expanded" to m
before the division, right? We would expect the result of 2 km/s
, which is
exactly what we get when we divide quantities of the same kind.
This is a compelling feature that allows us to express huge or tiny ratios without the need for big and expensive representation types. With this, we can easily define things like a Hubble's constant that uses a unit that is proportional to the ratio of kilometers per megaparsecs, which are both units of length:
inline constexpr struct hubble_constant final :
named_unit<{u8"H₀", "H_0"}, mag_ratio<701, 10> * si::kilo<si::metre> / si::second / si::mega<parsec>> {} hubble_constant;
Counts of things¶
Another important use case for dimensionless quantities is to provide strong types for counts of things. For example:
- ISO-80000-3 provides a rotation quantity defined as the number of revolutions,
- IEC-80000-6 provides a number of turns in a winding quantity,
- IEC-80000-13 provides a Hamming distance quantity defined as the number of digit positions in which the corresponding digits of two words of the same length are different.
Thanks to assigning strong names to such quantities, later on, they can be explicitly used as arguments in the quantity equations of other quantities deriving from them.
Predefined units of the dimensionless quantity¶
As we observed above, the most common unit for dimensionless quantities is one
. It has the
ratio of 1
and does not output any textual symbol.
Important: one
is an identity
A unit one
is special in the entire type system of units as it is considered to be
an identity operand in the unit symbolic expressions.
This means that, for example:
static_assert(one * one == one);
static_assert(one * si::metre == si::metre);
static_assert(si::metre / si::metre == one);
The same is also true for dimension_one
and dimensionless
in the domains of dimensions
and quantity specifications.
Besides the unit one
, there are a few other scaled units predefined in the library for usage
with dimensionless quantities:
inline constexpr struct percent final : named_unit<"%", mag_ratio<1, 100> * one> {} percent;
inline constexpr struct per_mille final : named_unit<{u8"‰", "%o"}, mag_ratio<1, 1000> * one> {} per_mille;
inline constexpr struct parts_per_million final : named_unit<"ppm", mag_ratio<1, 1'000'000> * one> {} parts_per_million;
inline constexpr auto ppm = parts_per_million;
Superpowers of the unit one
Quantities implicitly convertible to dimensionless
with the unit equivalent to one
are the only
ones that are:
- implicitly constructible from the raw value,
- explicitly convertible to a raw value,
- comparable to a raw value.
quantity<one> inc(quantity<one> q) { return q + 1; }
void legacy(double) { /* ... */ }
if (auto q = inc(42); q != 0)
This property also expands to usual arithmetic operators.
Those rules do not apply to all the dimensionless quantities. It would be unsafe and misleading
to allow such operations on units with a magnitude different than 1
(e.g., percent
) or
for quantities that are not implicitly convertible to dimensionless
(e.g., angular_measure
Angular quantities¶
Special, often controversial, examples of dimensionless quantities are an angular measure
and solid angular measure quantities that are defined in the ISQ
to be the result of a division of one
. This means that both angular measure and solid angular measure
should be of a kind dimensionless.
On the other hand, ISQ also specifies that a unit radian can be used for angular measure, and a unit steradian can be used for solid angular measure. Those should not be mixed or used to express other types of dimensionless quantities. This means that both angular measure and solid angular measure should also be quantity kinds by themselves.
Many people claim that angle being a dimensionless quantity is a bad idea. There are
proposals submitted to make an angle a base quantity and rad
to become a base unit. More on this
topic can be found in the "Strong Angular System" chapter.
Radians and degrees support¶
Thanks to the usage of magnitudes the library provides efficient strong types for all angular
types. This means that with the built-in support for magnitudes of
using namespace mp_units::si::unit_symbols;
using mp_units::angular::unit_symbols::rad;
using mp_units::angular::unit_symbols::deg;
using mp_units::angular::unit_symbols::grad;
quantity speed = 110 * km / h;
quantity rate_of_climb = -0.63657 * m / s;
quantity glide_ratio = speed / -rate_of_climb;
quantity glide_angle = angular::asin(1 / glide_ratio);
std::println("Glide ratio: {::N[.1f]}", glide_ratio.in(one));
std::println("Glide angle:");
std::println(" - {::N[.4f]}", glide_angle.in(rad));
std::println(" - {::N[.2f]}", glide_angle.in(deg));
std::println(" - {::N[.2f]}", glide_angle.in(grad));
The above program prints:
In the production code the above speed
and rate_of_climb
quantities should probably be
modelled as separate typed quantities of the same kind.
Nested quantity kinds¶
Angular quantities are not the only ones with such a "strange" behavior. Another but a similar case
is a storage capacity quantity specified in IEC-80000-13 that again allows expressing it in both
and bit
Those cases make dimensionless quantities an exceptional tree in the library. This quantity hierarchy contains more than one quantity kind and more than one unit in its tree:
To provide such support in the library, we provided an is_kind
specifier that can be appended
to the quantity specification:
inline constexpr struct angular_measure final : quantity_spec<dimensionless, arc_length / radius, is_kind> {} angular_measure;
inline constexpr struct solid_angular_measure final : quantity_spec<dimensionless, area / pow<2>(radius), is_kind> {} solid_angular_measure;
inline constexpr struct storage_capacity final : quantity_spec<dimensionless, is_kind> {} storage_capacity;
inline constexpr struct angular_measure final : quantity_spec<angular_measure, dimensionless, arc_length / radius, is_kind> {} angular_measure;
inline constexpr struct solid_angular_measure final : quantity_spec<solid_angular_measure, dimensionless, area / pow<2>(radius), is_kind> {} solid_angular_measure;
inline constexpr struct storage_capacity final : quantity_spec<storage_capacity, dimensionless, is_kind> {} storage_capacity;
With the above, we can constrain radian
, steradian
, and bit
to be allowed for usage with
specific quantity kinds only:
inline constexpr struct radian final : named_unit<"rad", metre / metre, kind_of<isq::angular_measure>> {} radian;
inline constexpr struct steradian final : named_unit<"sr", square(metre) / square(metre), kind_of<isq::solid_angular_measure>> {} steradian;
inline constexpr struct bit final : named_unit<"bit", one, kind_of<storage_capacity>> {} bit;
but still allow the usage of one
and its scaled versions for such quantities.
It is worth mentioning here that converting up the hierarchy beyond a subkind requires an explicit conversion. For example:
static_assert(implicitly_convertible(isq::rotation, dimensionless));
static_assert(!implicitly_convertible(isq::angular_measure, dimensionless));
static_assert(explicitly_convertible(isq::angular_measure, dimensionless));
This increases type safety and prevents accidental quantities with invalid units. For example,
a result of a conversion from isq::angular_measure[rad]
to dimensionless
would be
a reference of dimensionless[rad]
, which contains an incorrect unit for a dimensionless
quantity. Such a conversion must be explicit and be preceded by an explicit unit conversion: