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International System of Quantities (ISQ): Part 3 - Modelling ISQ

The physical units libraries on the market typically only focus on modeling one or more systems of units. However, as we have learned, this is not the only system kind to model. Another, and maybe even more important, is a system of quantities. The most important example here is the International System of Quantities (ISQ) defined by ISO/IEC 80000.

This article continues our series about the International System of Quantities. This time, we will learn about the main ideas behind the ISQ and describe how it can be modelled in a programming language.

mp-units 2.2.0 released!

A new product version can be obtained from GitHub and Conan.

Among other features, this release provides long-awaited support for C++20 modules, redesigns and enhances text output formatting, and greatly simplifies quantity point usage. This post describes those and a few other smaller interesting improvements, while a much longer list of the most significant changes introduced by the new version can be found in our Release Notes.

Report from the Kona 2023 ISO C++ Committee meeting

Several groups in the ISO C++ Committee reviewed the P1935: A C++ Approach to Physical Units proposal in Belfast 2019 and Prague 2020. All those groups expressed interest in the potential standardization of such a library and encouraged further work. The authors also got valuable initial feedback that highly influenced the design of the V2 version of the mp-units library.

In the following years, we scoped on getting more feedback from the production and design. This resulted in version 2 of the mp-units library that resolved many issues the users and Committee members raised. The features and interfaces of this version are close to being the best we can get with the current version of the C++ language standard.